7 Popular Winter Flowers In India

By Guru On Time

A beautiful winter season flowers for your home garden or gifting a bouquet to your loved ones is an amazing feeling.

Let's have a look at 7 popular winter flowers to grow in your home garden or gifting seasonal flower arrangements.

Petunia is a famous winter plant with beautiful bright purple, white, and pink color flowers. It is an annula plant that grows in cold areas and hilly regions.



Marigold is a well-known winter plant in India. It has a genus of 50 species of annual or perennial. Marigolds are soft colour in the spectrum of buttery yellow to bright Orange used for daily worship and rituals.



Rose is the symbol of love & passion. It is a popular flower in India that grows in the winter season. There are over three hundred species of Roses grown and available in different colors.



Dahlia is a bright color flower of red, white, pink, and yellow. These flowers are herbaceous seasonal plants with over 49 species that grow in the winter season across India. 



Calendula flowers are similar to marigolds and grow in the winter season. These beautiful flowers are found in shades of yellow and orange.



Aster is a beautiful flower that is available in the colors white, pink, purple, and blue. The winter season flower has over 170 species across the world. 



Pansy is a short-lived winter-season flower plant in India. It is an annual or perennial flowering plant famous for its butterfly-shaped velvety flowers. The beautiful flowers are a combination of yellow, blue, and white color.



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