Golden Milk a healthy beverage in India with Anti oxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties is now becoming famous worldwide. Do you know What is Golden Milk, Recipe of Golden Milk and Benefits of Golden Milk? if no than let’s discuss about Golden milk.
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What is Golden Milk?
Golden Milk’ , is actually Turmeric Milk. Yes, the same turmeric milk that your mother or grandmother used to give you in case of cold or injury. It is available on many coffee shops in India. With lot of health benefits Golden Milk is being well-liked all over the world.
Golden Milk Recipe:
The recipe of Golden Milk is also very easy. ‘Golden milk’ is a beverage that is not only very beneficial in colds, but also has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory property means that it reduces inflammation. Know how to make golden milk in simple and easy steps, so that you can stay healthy and fit.

Ingredients for making Golden Milk:
Raw turmeric – 200 grams
Cow’s milk – 500 mL
Honey – 2 tsp
Cardamom powder – 1 pinch
Cinnamon powder – 1 pinch
Grated nutmeg – make 1
Steps to make Golden Milk:
- To make golden milk, first wash and dry the turmeric. Then put the milk on a flame to boil.
- After this, peel the turmeric and cut it into small pieces. Now put these pieces in the grinder and grind them finely. After this, take out the ground turmeric in a bowl.
- When the milk boils, immediately add 1 teaspoon ground turmeric to it. Add cardamom powder on top of it and let the milk boil for at least 3 minutes.
- Take your golden milk is ready. Sieve it with a sieve. Add one and a half to two teaspoons of honey and mix it with a spoon so that a little foam is formed when whisking.
- Take out the golden milk in the coffee mug. Add some cinnamon powder on top so that it looks good. Add some grated nutmeg to it as well. Take your healthy golden milk ready.
Benefits of Golden Milk:
Drinking Golden Milk daily in you diet is better for your health. Drink golden milk daily, freedom from many diseases will increase, immunity will increase. Golden Milk is being well-liked in the western countries due to its health benefits. Let’s know how Golden Milk benefits and what properties are found in it.

Anti oxidant properties:
According to the website Health line, anti-oxidant properties are found in golden milk i.e. turmeric milk. Anti-oxidant properties prevents cells from being destroyed and keeps the body free from oxidative stress.
, anti-oxidant properties are found in golden milk i.e. turmeric milk. Anti-oxidant properties prevents cells from being destroyed and keeps the body free from oxidative stress.
Anti-inflammatory properties:
Golden milk also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to reduce inflammation or injury. It is also consumed in cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and metabolic syndrome.
Golden Milk is beneficial for memory and brain:
It is also very beneficial for the brain. If cinnamon and ginger are added to it, then its benefit of the Golden milks increases. The use of cinnamon reduces the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease to a great extent. At the same time, ginger increases the ability of the brain to work and improves memory.